Hell is a state of mind. It may be a real place as well. People in war zones would
say so. I don’t know. And I sure as hell don’t want to find out.
I don’t think I have ever been to hell. But, as a human
being, I have definitely been to other realms. And I can vouch for the fact
that they are real – real states of mind, that is.
Do you know any hungry ghosts? Have you ever been one? I

Some people live like animals. They only care about their
bodily needs, protection, shelter, comfort, food. They’re nice to their family
and friends – but so are animals. They don’t see beyond their immediate
gratification. They exist from hand to mouth without any appetite for higher
We live in the human realm. That’s because we are human
You didn’t need me to tell you that – or did you?
Speaking for myself, if I’m honest, I would have to admit
that sometimes I forget I’m a human being. I forget what it really means to be
a human being.
I get up, walk the dog, go to work, kiss my wife. But
sometimes I’m asleep. I am not really conscious of what it means – what the
true meaning of being a human being is. What my true potential is. It’s like
sleep walking.
I try to remain conscious, grateful. Remembering that this
human life is short and precious. That it’s going to end and I don’t know when.
That I could do a great, great deal with it, if I set my mind to it. But often
I don’t bother. Which is a waste.
I’m in a human existence, but not truly living a human life
to the full. Another state of mind – or should I say ‘mindlessness’?
Next realm up – the demi-gods. And there’s plenty of them where I work, I can
tell you. They seem to have it pretty good. They have power and prestige.
People look up to them, run around doing their will.
But are they happy? Perhaps political scheming, watching
their back, looking for the one-upmanship opportunity make them happy, but I
doubt it. They promote themselves too hard for someone who’s happy with them
If I was a movie star, a celebrity, living in a mansion with
twenty cars, never having to work – then I’d be happy, for sure. Apart from the
fear of losing my looks, of getting old. The stress of constantly checking my
image. Having my relationships dissected in the newspapers. And the trips to the Betty Ford Clinic – I’m
sure it’d be absolutely blissful!
The fundamental wish of all living beings is to be free from
suffering. Yet all these realms – all these states of mind – entail a certain
amount of suffering.
So we need to go beyond them to find a place free from
suffering. And we can only do that from the human realm.
It is slightly ironic that the real meaning of human life is
to cease to exist as merely human but to realise our divine potential to escape
With a pure intention and sincere practice it is definitely
possible escape the cycle of suffering
and move beyond it to a realm of pure peace, happiness and freedom.
To be truly human is wish to be free, to be divine.
I have created some personal decision-making tools, one of which is based on the Buddhist Wheel of Life, where these realms are described. They are free at www.thelifeeditor.com